Official OS For 8300, 8310 and 8320

Stop looking for warez. Vodafone has released here.

You still need to delete vendor.xml on your PC to be able to update.

Direct link:

BlackBerry Storm - I want one!!

I love my iPhone but i'm not using it. For many reasons - 1) no push email not just Yahoo! - anyway who uses a yahoo! email for business?? 2) battery...OMG this is really bad on the iPhone + no additional batteries 3) keyboard. I can't type with one hand like on my Bold 4) flaws and upgrade on the iPhone are legend. Can someone tell many how many firmware update we went thru with Apple in 1 year??

BlackBerry is coming out with Storm- a killer device to be launched maybe as early as November by Verizon. Very bad news for ATT who is to release the Bold in the next days. RIM should be very careful not fooling around with carriers. US is not Canada. We have competition down here Mr BlackBerry - watch out!!

iPhone did boost creativity from phone manufacturers. Finally our devices are becoming smarter, lighter, sexier and affordable. I remember the old days when a Sony Ericsson P800 was around 1000 euros...BlackBerry is among first to fight back, Nokia should launch their 'Tube' early October and HTC Dream G1 publicly available by October 22nd.

Anyway I want a Storm although it doesn't solve the keyboard problem. But I'll get my Storm like I got the Bold and the iPhone. Part of the geek syndrome. So far best device I had was BB 8320. Not perfect but a solid 90/100.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The F#ck you answer from Bill to Steve - AWESOME

Mac is cool and PC is stupid is finally over. Microsoft has intelligently responded to Apple in one of best ad ever. Simple. Nothing technical. HUMANS. Yes PC users may have glasses - so what Mr Jobs??!!

I think Microsoft has changed, obviously competition is driving the economy forward and Apple vs. Microsoft proves it again.

In the ad below, you will notice Eva Longoria, her husband, basketball star Tony Parker, musical artist Pharrell Williams and Bill Gates among a crowd of ordinary people. A must see.

Disclaimer: I stick with my MacBook Air for now but nothing is for definite in life ;-)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

TechCrunch 50 is over. See you next year :)

I just spent a week in San Francisco for 2 events. TechCrunch 50 and CTIA Wireless Entertainment.


TechCrunch is an excellent start for entrepreneurs looking to test-drive their product or services. You must be fully ready to participate to the event. Some came with almost nothing and will certainly end up by folding their project very soon. But some others were really good at it.

Among my winners and interesting companies - no special order of preference:

Producteev - Social Project Management
PeopleBrowsr - Social network aggregator in a web app
Swype - new predictive touch key solution on tiny screen
TrueCar - change the way cars are being sold
Zong- mobile payment system enabling web publishers to bill
Popego - another web social platform.

Lots of people were complaining – including Robert Scoble – about poor execution of companies presenting at TechCrunch. I don’t think TechCrunch is to blame. The market is just saturated of low-ball ideas with lousy execution. I think TechCrunch took what was out there. I wonder how many ‘bad’ projects were submitted :)

The worst on stage was IMINDI. How did they make it to the stage? What happened there? I can’t believe Mike and Jason were reviewing this!

Anyway the event was a great opportunity to meet friends, colleagues and entrepreneurs – no preference in order of appearance:

Bhaskar Roy, Jackie Danicki, David Marcus, Jean David Benichou, Loren Feldman, Jeff Nolan, Loic LeMeur, Mike Arrington, Jeff Sass, Jeb Brilliant, Iain Dodsworth, Daniel Brusilovsky, Sol Lipman, David Speiser, David Smith, Christine Lu, Ouriel Ohayon, Jason Calacanis, Robert Scoble, Ilan Abehassera, Arik, Orli…

And of course my buddies Pat Phelan, Bernard Murphy, Marc Rochman and Chris Kennedy –special thanks to you Chris, you did a fantastic job.

TechCrunch thru my eyes on Flickr. And you must watch this exceptional moment when Mike Arrington found out Pat broke his iPhone:

Disclaimer – I’m a shareholder in Producteev. And I really support their dedication, execution and hard work.