Sunday, April 08, 2007

Je peux pas laisser passer ca

Je viens de lire un article sur écris par Nidal al-Mughrabi

Sun Apr 8, 8:03 AM ET

GAZA (Reuters) - Hamas has handed over the names of Palestinian prisoners it demands Israel release in exchange for an Israeli soldier seized by Gaza gunmen 10 months ago, the Islamist group said on Sunday.

"These names have been presented to the Egyptian (mediators), who in turn have presented it to the Israeli side," Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said. "There is a clear progress in the fact a list of names has been presented."

But an Israeli cabinet minister and a senior aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of the Fatah faction cautioned against assuming a deal was imminent.

Barhoum gave no numbers or names. Israeli media reports said the roster listed about 1,300 prisoners, including Marwan Barghouthi, a Fatah leader widely seen as a possible successor to the moderate Abbas.

Israeli Corporal Gilad Shalit was seized last June by militants from Hamas and two other armed groups who tunneled into Israel from Gaza.

An exchange deal, after months of deadlock, could be key to any progress in talks Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Abbas have agreed to hold on a biweekly basis at the urging of the United States.

For Palestinians, freedom for brethren in Israeli jails -- especially long-serving prisoners -- is a highly emotive issue. Olmert has accused Abbas of failing to deliver on promises to secure Shalit's release.

Abbas and Hamas formed a unity government on March 17.

Sources in Olmert's office said Israel had received the list and a ministerial committee would meet in the coming days to decide on whether to loosen criteria for releasing prisoners in an exchange deal, a change the cabinet would have to approve.

Israel has balked in the past at trading Palestinian prisoners categorised as "having blood on their hands" -- a reference to attacks in which Israelis have been killed.

"Certain progress has been made compared with how things were until now," Israeli cabinet minister Isaac Herzog told Israeli Army Radio.

"There is still a long way to go. We are apparently approaching the truly difficult stage of the negotiations," Herzog said.

Yasser Abed Rabbo, a senior Abbas aide, said presentation of names by the Palestinians "doesn't mean the Israeli side has accepted them."

"There are still complications in the process and we hope they will be overcome through Egyptian efforts," Abed Rabbo told a news conference in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

(Additional reporting by Wafa Amr in Ramallah and Jonathan Saul in Jerusalem)

Là il faut peut être mettre les choses en proportion!!

1 soldat pour la libération de 1.300 TERRORISTES??!! Ca ne vous choque pas...

Personnellement je pense que Gilat Shalit est déjà mort. Il ne faut pas céder au chantage, casser sous la pression. Oui c'est dur, très dur de voir partir un jeune soldat qui ne reviendra pas. Mais si nous cédons aujourd'hui il y aura des dizaines, des centaines d'enlèvements.

La mode des enlèvements fleurie dans le monde et tous font des erreurs qu'ils payeront très très cher dans quelques années. 15 soldats britanniques, plusieurs journalistes, des civils - toutes marchandises humaines est bonne pour plaider sa cause...franchement où va t’on?

C'était mon coup de gueule du dimanche matin. Une énorme déception.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:25 am

    Florian, oui je suis entierement d'accord avec toi, c'est malheureux pour les parents de Gilad ,mais il ne faut pas a aucun prix ceder aux chantages de ces terroristes, d'autant plus que 2 de ces camarades soldats ont ete tues. c'est la seule arme contre les enlevements repetes des terroristes. cordialement Gil
