Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dancing and Stealing Caught on Camera

This sequence is shocking. I was standing on Broadway last week in NYC. A street group started a show, jumping and dancing. Guys were good and soon a huge crowd was all around them.
I took my webcam and filmed from an angle where supposedly one could see dancers. But instead I was the witness of pickpockets. While few guys are dancing, singing and jumping, few accomplices are going through the crowd to embezzled phones, cameras and wallets.

Check the screenshots below.

Guy on the right just stole a camera and hands it out to the street dancer.

Here you clearly see the dancer taking the camera

The guy on the right left to steal more and dancer is slowly inserting the camera in the backpack of a 3rd accomplice. You see the dancer in the center capturing everyone's attention.

Guy with the cap closing his backpack like nothing happened

A dancer catches me filming and moves fast towards me.

The video sequence in full right here:

Dancing and stealing from FLORIAN SEROUSSI on Vimeo.

I did not contact NY Police Department but I do hope they see this video and take necessary measures.


  1. Anonymous4:10 am

    This is very interesting footage! I really hope that these men get arrested and locked up for a long time.

    Sad, sad, sad..

  2. Anonymous2:19 pm

    Nice footage. I am sorry you did not go to the police. Maybe you were too scared? Forgot your duties as a citizen?


  3. Don't be sorry for anything. I simply didn't report to the police because I'm selfish and didn't get anything stolen.
    But I posted here in the open unlike you Mr Anonymous.
    Balls don't grow on trees.
